Tips for outdoor photos of your dog

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Taking photos of your dog outside can be a fun and rewarding experience – to get the best photos, consider the following tips:

  • Soft, natural light – use soft, natural light for a more pleasing effect – avoid harsh sunlight, which can cast strong shadows and cause your dog to squint – although you won’t get lovely blue skies, overcast and cloudy days can give you the best light for great photos.
  • Golden hour – the hours around sunrise and sunset provide warm, flattering light and long shadows that can add depth to your photos.
  • Background – choose a clean and uncluttered background that doesn’t distract from your dog – one that’s contrasting colour to your dog’s fur can make your dog stand out more.
  • Framing – use natural things like trees, archways, or doorways to frame your dog and draw focus to them.
  • Eye level – get down to your dog’s eye level to create a more personal and engaging perspective, to give more intimate photos.
  • Eyes – ensure your dog’s eyes are in focus, as they’re often the most expressive part of their face.
  • Natural poses – capture your dog’s natural behaviours and expressions, whether it’s a yawn, a stretch, or a playful moment.
  • Action shots – take photos of your dog in motion, whether they’re playing, running, or jumping.
  • Close-ups – capture the details of your dog’s fur, eyes, and expressions for a more emotional connection.


11 ideas to help you get your dog comfortable in front of a camera

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Here’s a list of 11 ideas to help you get your dog comfortable in front of a camera:

  1. Comfortable Environment – let your dog get comfortable with where you’re photographing – let it explore and sniff.
  2. Playtime – use some playtime before the shoot to help your dog burn off excess energy and be more focused.
  3. Positive Association – begin by associating the camera with positive experiences, like treats, toys, or belly rubs.
  4. Gradual Exposure – start with the camera at a distance and gradually bring it closer as your dog becomes more comfortable.
  5. Familiarise with the Equipment – Let your dog sniff and investigate the camera so they become accustomed to its presence.
  6. Training Commands – teach commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “look” to help your dog focus and stay still for the camera.
  7. Use a Clicker – use a clicker to mark positive behaviour and reward your dog with treats.
  8. Photographer’s Voice – use a soothing and encouraging tone while taking photos to keep your dog relaxed.
  9. Positive Reinforcement – reward your dog with treats and praise after each successful photo session to build their confidence.
  10. Short Sessions – keep the photo sessions short to prevent your dog from getting bored or restless.
  11. Patience – be patient and understanding, as it might take time for your dog to become completely comfortable.


Tips to Master the Art of Great Photos of Your Dog

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Dogs hold a special place in our hearts, bringing joy, love, and companionship to our lives. As dog owners, we want to preserve the precious memories and adorable moments shared with our four-legged friends. What better way to capture those memories than through stunning photographs?


Here, we’ll explore some valuable tips and techniques to help you take exceptional photos of your dog…

  1. Create a Relaxed Environment:
    Dogs are highly perceptive and can sense your emotions. To ensure your dog feels comfortable during a photoshoot, create a relaxed and familiar environment. Choose a location where your dog feels at ease, such as a park, beach, or even in your own backyard. This will help them relax and allow their true personality to shine through in the photos.
  2. Use Natural Light:
    Natural light is a photographer’s best friend when it comes to capturing stunning dog photos. Avoid using harsh artificial lighting that can make your dog uncomfortable or distort the image. Instead, take advantage of soft, diffused natural light, such as during the golden hours (the hour around sunrise and sunset), to achieve a warm and gentle glow in your photos. Position your dog near a window or shoot outdoors to make the most of this beautiful light.
  3. Patience and Treats:
    Photographing dogs requires patience and usually a good supply of treats. Your dog may not always follow your instructions or stay in one place, so be prepared to wait for the perfect moment. Use treats or toys to grab their attention and direct their gaze. Positive reinforcement will help keep your dog engaged and cooperative throughout the photoshoot.
  4. Get Down to Their Level:
    To capture authentic and captivating images of your dog, get down to their eye level. Shooting from their perspective will create an intimate connection and allow you to showcase their unique personality. By doing so, you’ll capture images that reflect their true essence and create a stronger emotional bond with the viewer.
  5. Focus on the Eyes:
    The eyes are the windows to the soul, and this holds true for dog photography as well. Aim to capture the soulful eyes of your dog by ensuring they are in sharp focus. Adjust your camera settings or use manual focus to achieve crystal-clear eyes, as they are key to conveying emotion in the photograph.
  6. Candid Moments:
    Some of the most memorable and heartwarming photographs come from candid moments. Let your dog roam freely and capture them in their element – playing, resting, or interacting with their surroundings. These natural shots will showcase their true character and create a collection of photos that tell a story.
  7. Experiment with Different Perspectives:
    Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles and perspectives. Try shooting from above, below, or from interesting vantage points to add variety to your dog’s photo album. Capture the intricate details of their paws, wagging tails, or wet noses to create unique and captivating compositions.

Photographing your dog is a beautiful way to preserve the memories and love you share. By creating a relaxed environment, with natural light, and employing patience and treats, you’ll be able to capture stunning images that showcase your dog’s true character. Remember, it’s not just about technical perfection but also about capturing the emotions, quirks, and unique personality of your furry friend. So grab your camera, spend some quality time with your dog, and let the magic of photography unfold.

Happy clicking!


10 more tips for creative dog photos

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Here are some further tips for you to get some more creative photos of your dog. Don’t just settle for the ‘usual photos’ you always take. Here’s a list of creative ways to take photos of your dog.

Have a look and pick out one or two that inspire you to try something different.

  1. Coordinated Colours – choose backgrounds that complement your dog’s fur colour for a visually pleasing composition.
  2. Close-up Shots – capture intricate details like paw pads, fur texture, or a wet nose up close.
  3. Framing – incorporate natural elements like trees or archways to frame your dog in the photo.
  4. Natural Expressions – capture your dog’s various expressions, from excitement to curiosity, for a diverse photo collection.
  5. Indoor Play – utilise soft indoor lighting to capture cosy moments and expressions in your dog’s natural habitat.
  6. Seasonal Themes – capture your dog amidst autumn leaves, winter snow, or spring blossoms to add seasonal charm.
  7. Social Interaction – photograph your dog interacting with other dogs or humans for candid and heartwarming photos.
  8. Storytelling Series – create a series of photos that tell a story, capturing different stages of an activity or day.
  9. Goofy Moments – don’t shy away from capturing your dog’s silly side—those candid shots often carry a lot of charm.
  10. Patience – sometimes, waiting for the right moment to capture a genuine expression or action shot is key.

Good luck!


(for our previous 10 tips for creative photos of your dog, click here)


10 tips for creative photos of your dog

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Everyone loves taking photos of their dog (us included). But do you ever get that frustrating feeling when you find you’re just taking the same old photos every time?

Well, fear not – we’ve come up with a list of creative ways to take photos of your dog. But don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you try all of these! Take a look and pick out one or two that make you think “Yes, I might try that and give it a go”.

Over to you….

  • Golden Hour Magic – take photos during the golden hour, shortly after sunrise or just before sunset, when the lighting is soft and warm.
  • Action Shots – capture your dog in motion, playing fetch or running.
  • Close-ups – focus on your dog’s expressive eyes or unique features to capture their personality.
  • Outdoor Adventures – take your dog to a picturesque location like a park, beach, or forest for vibrant backgrounds.
  • Unique Angles – experiment with different angles, like getting down to your dog’s eye level or holding your camera / phone high above them.
  • Candid Moments – capture your dog when they’re not aware, showcasing their natural behaviour and emotions.
  • Props and Accessories – use toys, hats, or other accessories to add a playful element to the photo.
  • ‘Portrait’ Mode – if you have a smartphone with this feature, use it to blur the background and make your dog stand out.
  • Silhouettes – capture your dog against a bright background during sunset for striking silhouettes.
  • Reflections – use water or other reflective surfaces to create unique compositions.

Good luck!


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